Universal puller set

Universal puller set

Product code: MG50131

Brand: Lincos

Introducing the Universal Puller Set, a must-have tool for professional mechanics who demand versatility and precision in their work. This set is engineered to cater to a wide range of pulling tasks, ensuring smooth operation in both automotive and machinery repairs.
🟢 In stock
  • Debrecen: 57
  • Budapest: 161
  • Debrecen II: 0
Discount: 10% (until 30/04/2025)
Gross price: 81,15 € 73,04 €
You save: 8,11 €
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set
Universal puller set

Product description

  • Versatile Configuration: Choose between 2 or 3 jawed pullers, allowing for both internal and external gripping. This flexibility makes the set suitable for a variety of applications, from bearing removal to pulley extraction.
  • Three Sets of Jaws: Comes equipped with three sets of jaws, with lengths of 100mm, 200mm, and 250mm. These options ensure that you can tackle jobs of different sizes and complexities with ease.
  • Extended Jaw Lengths: The varied jaw lengths allow for optimal reach and grip, enabling the handling of parts in confined spaces or requiring precise control.
  • Robust Screw Lengths: Includes screws with lengths of 160mm and 270mm, designed to apply consistent, strong pulling force without slipping or damage.
  • Durability and Precision: Constructed from high-grade materials, this tool set is built for durability and precise operation, standing up to the rigors of professional use.

Whether you're working on engine timing adjustments, removing gears, or servicing pulleys, this Universal Puller Set is engineered to provide reliable performance and adaptability. Its comprehensive range of jaw and screw sizes makes it an indispensable tool in the professional mechanic's toolkit.

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 52.5 x 36 x 9 cm 8.51 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Gross price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 132,02 €

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