Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)

Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)

Product code: MG04A1028

Brand: Lincos

Special purpose tool for the precise installation of shim rings/shim ring housings with a speed sensor on the rear (transmission side) side of the crankshaft.
🔵 Available in 100 days
Gross price: 46,86 €
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)
Crankshaft seal installing tool for VAG (petrol and diesel engines)

Product description

The Crankshaft Seal Installing Tool is a specialized, engine-specific tool designed for VAG petrol and diesel engines, including TDI models. This tool is essential for the precise installation of rear crankshaft seals with integrated speed sensors, ensuring the correct alignment and placement of the seal and sensor. It is particularly suitable for four-cylinder engines found in VAG vehicles.


  • Engine-Specific Design: Tailored specifically for VAG vehicles to ensure perfect fit and alignment.
  • Compatibility: Suitable for a range of VAG vehicles including VW Golf, Touran, and Audi A3, A4.
  • Versatile Usage: Compatible with various four-cylinder engine types, including 1.4i Turbo, 1.4 & 1.6 petrol direct injection, 1.9/2.0 SDI, 2.0 Common Rail Diesel, and TDI engines.
  • Precision Alignment: Ensures the main seal house crankshaft sensor is correctly aligned, preventing potential engine issues.
  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality materials to withstand the demands of frequent use in a professional workshop setting.
  • Rear Crankshaft Seal Installation: Specifically designed for installing rear crankshaft seals with speed sensors, on the transmission side of the crankshaft.


  • Vehicles: VW Golf, Touran, Audi A3, A4
  • Engine Types:
    • 1.4i Turbo (four-cylinder)
    • 1.4 & 1.6 petrol direct injection (four-cylinder)
    • 1.9 / 2.0 SDI (four-cylinder)
    • 2.0 Common Rail Diesel (four-cylinder)
    • TDI engines (1.9 TDI, 2.0 TDI - both four-cylinder)

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 15.5 x 14.5 x 14.5 cm 1.84 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Gross price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 77,62 €

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