Universal lock-out tool set

Universal lock-out tool set

Product code: MG04C1034

Brand: Lincos

The Universal lock-out tool set is used for unlocking car doors in emergency situations when the keys are locked inside the vehicle.
🟢 In stock
  • Debrecen II: 0
  • Debrecen: 122
  • Budapest: 96
Gross price: 8,37 €
Universal lock-out tool set
Universal lock-out tool set
Universal lock-out tool set
Universal lock-out tool set
Universal lock-out tool set
Universal lock-out tool set

Product description


Universal lock-out tool set is a versatile toolset designed to provide access to locked cars without causing any damage to the vehicle's locking system. The set typically includes various tools such as long reach tools, slim jim tools, and wedges. They allow the user to pull door handles, press unlock buttons, or manipulate lock switches from a distance. Slim jim tools are thin, flat pieces of metal that are inserted between the window and weatherstripping to manipulate the lock mechanism directly. Wedges are used to create a gap between the door and the frame, providing enough space for the other tools to be inserted.

It can be a valuable tool in situations where immediate access to a locked vehicle is required, such as when a child or pet is accidentally locked inside, or when the keys are misplaced or locked in the trunk. It offers a non-destructive method of unlocking vehicles, minimizing the risk of damage to the car's exterior or interior.


  • It can be used for most types of cars

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 61 x 22 x 1.2 cm 0.65 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Gross price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 67,48 €

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