Nylon seat cover protector

Nylon seat cover protector

Product code: W0471

Brand: Lincos

Protective nylon seat cover for use during car maintenance. Water-resistant, durable, and easy to clean. Ideal for keeping seats clean and damage-free.
🟢 In stock
  • Debrecen II: 0
  • Debrecen: 0
  • Budapest: 5
Gross price: 7,23 €
Nylon seat cover protector
Nylon seat cover protector

Product description

This nylon seat cover is specially designed for use during car maintenance or repair work. Made from durable, water-resistant nylon, it provides excellent protection against grease, oil, dirt, and other contaminants that may come into contact with the seats. The cover fits most standard car seats and is easy to install.

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 35 x 27 x 1 cm 0.1 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Gross price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 61,67 €

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