Tire changer

Tyre changer 26" built-in wheel lift, right and left auxiliary arm
Tyre changer - tyre lever machine. Clamping sizes outer 12"-23", inner 14"-26", semi-automatic, side swing arm, left and right help arms, inflating gun, with wheel lift
Product code: U-2092L

Tyre changer 26" built-in wheel lift, right and left auxiliary arm
Tyre changer - tyre lever machine. Clamping sizes outer 12"-23", inner 14"-26", semi-automatic, side swing arm, left and right help arms, inflating gun, with wheel lift
Product code: U-2092L 380V

Tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", manually locked side swing arm, inflating gun
Product code: U-201

Tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", manually locked side swing arm, inflating gun
Product code: U-201 380V

Tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", manually locked side swing arm, inflating gun, single speed
Product code: UD-201 400V

Tyre changer & wheel balancer, all in one
This compact model is a tyre changer and a wheel balancer built in one. The rim capacity is 10-24", normal, static, and 3 alu programs. A perfect choice for beginning tyre services or as a shop supplement.
Product code: U-2022M

Tyre changer 26"
Clamping sizes: outer 12"-23", inner 14"-26", manually locked side swing arm, inflating gun
Product code: U-203

Tyre changer 26"
Clamping sizes: outer 12"-23", inner 14"-26", manually locked side swing arm, inflating gun
Product code: U-203 380V

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24, fast inflation system, forward-backward moving pneumatically locked, tiltable arm, complete airfilter and pressure regulator unit
Product code: U-221A

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24, fast inflation system, forward-backward moving pneumatically locked, tiltable arm, complete airfilter and pressure regulator unit
Product code: U-221A 380V

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", fast inflation system, pneumatically tilted and locked forward-backward moving arm, lifting disc, horizontal roller, centered pressing/lifting, for wide, low-profile and run-flat tyres
Product code: U-226A

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", fast inflation system, pneumatically tilted and locked forward-backward moving arm, lifting disc, horizontal roller, centered pressing/lifting, for wide, low-profile and run-flat tyres
Product code: U-226A 380V

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", fast inflation system, pneumatically tilted and locked forward-backward moving arm, lifting disc, horizontal roller, centered pressing/lifting, for wide, low-profile and run-flat tyres, single speed
Product code: UD-226A

Automatic tyre changer 24"
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", fast inflation system, pneumatically tilted and locked forward-backward moving arm, lifting disc, horizontal roller, centered pressing/lifting, for wide, low-profile and run-flat tyres, single speed
Product code: UD-226A 400V

Automatic tyre changer 24", variable speed
Clamping sizes: outer 10"-21", inner 12"-24", fast inflation system, pneumatically tilted and locked forward-backward moving arm, lifting disc, horizontal roller, centered pressing/lifting, for wide, low-profile and run-flat tyres, variable speed