Supporting pins for battery lifting tables

Supporting pins for battery lifting tables

Product code: HV-V

Brand: Lincos

Supporting pins for the battery lifting tables. The adapters are metric threaded.
🟢 In stock
  • Debrecen: 2
  • Budapest: 4
Discount: 5% (until 06/10/2024)
Gross price: 313,69 € 298,01 €
You save: 15,68 €
Supporting pins for battery lifting tables
Supporting pins for battery lifting tables

Product description


Supporting pins for the battery lifting tables. They can be fastened into the holes on the surface of the table. They help to keep the battery in level and firmly in position. The metal construction makes for a solid foundation to the electric car battery, while the nylon pads prevent scratching. The adapters are metric threaded.

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 0 x 0 x 0 cm 17 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Gross price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 192,87 €

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Supporting pins for battery lifting tables

Supporting pins for battery lifting tables

Supporting pins for the battery lifting tables. The adapters are metric threaded.

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Gross price: 313,69 € 298,01 €
You save: 15,68 €
🟢 In stock
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