Injection pump tools
Tools for automotive injections pumps

Injection pump pulley puller for Honda Civic, CR-V, HR-V 1.6i-Dtec
This tool is a special puller used to remove the injector pump belt pulley from the 1.6i-Dtec diesel engines in the Honda Civic, CR-V and HR-V models. The use of this tool makes it easier to service or replace the pump without damaging surrounding components.
Product code: W0742
Gross price:
25,01 €
Available in 10 days

Locking pin for VAG injection pump
Locking pin for VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Ford injection pumps.
Product code: C01/0031
Gross price:
3,53 €
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Injection pump puller for Chrysler Voyager 2.5 TD
Injection pump puller for Chrysler Voyager 2.5 TD
Product code: W0455
Gross price:
21,96 €
Available in 10 days

Injection pump lock for Mercedes Benz diesel engines
Injection pump lock for Mercedes Benz diesel engines. OE: 601, 602, 603, 605, 606, 617.
Product code: W0367
Gross price:
17,64 €
Available in 10 days

Injection pump puller 1.4, 1.6, 2.0 TDI CR
Removes the high pressure diesel pump on VAG Group 1.4, 1.6 and 2.0 TDI CR engines. OEM: T10489.
Product code: W0656
Gross price:
51,94 €
Available in 10 days

Injection pump wrench for VW, Audi TDI engines
Injection pump wrench for VW, Audi TDI engines.
Product code: W0040
Gross price:
10,91 €
🟢 In stock

Wrench for injection pumps, hexagon 14mm
Wrench for injection pumps, hexagon 14mm, guidance diam. 9mm, triangular fixing
Product code: W0112
Gross price:
10,91 €
Available in 10 days